Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Picking strawberries

Jack's a good picker because he doesn't eat strawberries. Sam helped at first but then he started trying to wander and step on the rows. Next time I think we'll stop after one basketfull.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trip to the Zoo

The Milwaukee County Zoo had a members' night on Jun 17th. We had a great time from 1700-1900. We saw the new "Wings Down Under Exhibit" and the children all got to feed the birds. We went into the reptile house, which included native fish exhibits, too. Then we came out of the reptile house into a downpour. I had packed umbrellas, and thought I had put them in the basket under the stroller. Either I didn't, or someone set them back in the van to rearrange the basket for the cooler and diaper bag. I had a wool wrap with me that I used to try to keep Sam and Clara warm in the stroller, since it was impossible to keep them dry. Then we ran for the primate house, as fast as it's possible to run pushing a flimsy stroller and with a 2 YO in tow.
We spent the last little bit of time in the welcome center, where there were booths set up by various organizations and some craft activities for the children. We met a mother of 4, including twin girls born the same month as Clara Jean, who was thrilled to see another large family. We discovered that one of the ladies at the rose booth had a son whose birthday Sam shares. I think we all had fun in spite of the rain.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My neighbor, Renata, took some pictures of Clara Jean over the weekend. We had originally planned to take a portrait of the whole family, but we had to postpone. Last week Millie cut a chunk out of her bangs. So far, all the children who are capable of using scissors have cut their own hair. Grace did it in Virginia when she was about three. She snipped pieces on the side of her head really short. Jack has done it more than once. I remember he picked up a little pair of manicure scissors in the bathroom at his great-great grandmother's house in Texas. That was in March of 2007, so he was 3 1/2 years old then. It wasn't the first time because I remember thinking then that he knew better!

So later this summer we hope to have portraits done of the entire family. For now, here's Clara Jean.

New Weblog

Here's the new weblog for keeping in touch with family and friends. This will mostly be updates on the children and whatever may be going on with me and Dusty (AKA Mike to those of you in Kansas and Texas)